EN149 - Respiratory protective devices - Filtering half masks for protection against particles - Requirements, testing, marking. The minimum requirements for half-mask respirators used as respiratory protective equipment against particles are given, with the exception of those respirators used for escape. Laboratory tests to assess the conformity of respirators with the requirements are described.


MAC - the highest permissible concentration of a toxic chemical compound or the intensity of another harmful factor, the exposure of which to an employee over an 8-hour daily and an average weekly working time, as defined by the Labour Code, during his working life, should not cause any adverse changes to his health.




  • the concentration of dangerous substances in the air exceeds the Maximum Permissible Concentration Level (MPC) for these substances
  • the oxygen content in the inhaled air is lower than 17% of its composition
  • the emperature of the inhaled air exceeds the permissible standard in which a person can work

Filtering respirators are divided according to their filtering efficiency into three classes: FFP1, FFP2, FFP3.


Table of filtration efficiency for each class:

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