EN ISO 13688 - Protective clothing - General requirements. This International Standard specifies general requirements, in terms of workmanship, ergonomics, harmlessness, sizing, ageing process, compatibility and labelling of protective clothing and the information to be provided by the manufacturer with the product.


EN ISO 20471 - High-visibility clothing - Test methods and requirements.  Requirements are set out for high-visibility garments that provide a visual indication of the wearer's presence, intended to ensure that the wearer is visible to operators of vehicles or other mechanical devices, under all lighting conditions, both in daylight and in darkness when illuminated by vehicle headlights.


EN ISO 20471 The standard maintains the division of garments into 3 categories on the basis of minimum areas of reflective material given in m², with category 1 being the lowest category and category 3 representing the highest level of visibility.














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